An open laboratory that breaks down existing barriers.
Shin Open Lab: Certified lab by University of Tokyo Green ICT Project (GUTP)
Director: Manabu Tsukada
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Currently, IoT( Internet of Things) is connecting people and things, and various new services are being born. In the coming society of "Society 5.0", social innovations, which solve issues spanning across many fields are expected to be created, connecting the real world to cyberspace.
In order to create an open platform that acts in a social infrastructure-like manner, and which can contribute to the creation of these social innovations, we must overcome various existing barriers, such as those which exist between universities and society, academic fields, organizations, and countries.
I am hoping that Shin Open Lab will become a place where people with diverse backgrounds can bring together various technologies, have discussions, exchange information, and overcome existing existing barriers.
It is alos my hope that many practical research and development projects will emerge and swiftly materialize as the result of these discussions and exchanges.
Manabu Tsukada
Currently an associate professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo. Specially appointed associate professor at Nagoya University and a visiting professor at Aalto University.
from 2021.
Graduated from the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University in 2005.
Received master's degree from Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance in 2007.
Has been enrolled in a doctoral course at the Robotics Center of Mines ParisTech, France, and has worked as a researcher at the French National Institute for Informatics and Automation (Inria) since 2007. Received PhD in 2011.
Has been a board member of the WIDE project and chair of the Software Defined Media (SDM) consortium since 2014. Has worked on autonomous network and Internet video and audio.
Has been serving as a board member of the WIDE Project since 2014. Research interests are mobility support for the next-generation Internet (IPv6), Internet audio-visual media, and communications for intelligent vehicles.
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