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A Place, Connecting You to the Future

Shin Open Lab.  Creating the "chemical reaction"  linking  "共感=co-experience" and  "共創=co-creation".

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Technology + Culture

It has been twenty years since "open Innovation" has been promoted in Japan.
During these years, the Japanese government, universities, and corporations have all been making numerous attempts to create something in the format of open Innovation. Yet, they have not been successful in creating anything revolutionary.

The reason for this lies in the fact that we have separated "共感=co-experience" from the "共創=co-creation " process, and also due to the fact that we have limited the application of open innovation to take place only in the field of science and technology.
It's not that the technologies in question aren't cutting edge, but rather due to the fact that we have been overlooking the process of evoking a "chemical reaction" type-bond between "co-experience" and "co-creation".

The chemical reaction between "co-experience" and "co-creation", makes it possible to transcend the realm of science and technology and transforms people's hearts and minds into aspirations.

Shin Open Lab is a place for these chemical reactions to occur, which connects "co-experience" with "co-creation".

Shin Open Lab, consists of two pillars. A lab section centered on science and technology, and a gallery for special exhibitions centered on culture and art.

We hope it will be a lively and amusing experience for everyone.

Certified by the University of Tokyo Green ICT Project (GUTP)

An open laboratory that breaks down existing barriers.


Director: Manabu Tsukada

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo

Currently, IoT( Internet of Things) is connecting people and things, and various new services are being born. In the coming society of "Society 5.0", social innovations, which solve issues spanning across many fields are expected to be created, connecting the real world to cyberspace.

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