An open laboratory that breaks down existing barriers.
Shin Open Lab: Certified lab by University of Tokyo Green ICT Project (GUTP)
Director: Manabu Tsukada
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Currently, IoT( Internet of Things) is connecting people and things, and various new services are being born. In the coming society of "Society 5.0", social innovations, which solve issues spanning across many fields are expected to be created, connecting the real world to cyberspace.
In order to create an open platform that acts in a social infrastructure-like manner, and which can contribute to the creation of these social innovations, we must overcome various existing barriers, such as those which exist between universities and society, academic fields, organizations, and countries.
I am hoping that Shin Open Lab will become a place where people with diverse backgrounds can bring together various technologies, have discussions, exchange information, and overcome existing existing barriers.
It is alos my hope that many practical research and development projects will emerge and swiftly materialize as the result of these discussions and exchanges.
Manabu Tsukada
Currently an associate professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo. Specially appointed associate professor at Nagoya University and a visiting professor at Aalto University.
from 2021.
Graduated from the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University in 2005.
Received master's degree from Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance in 2007.
Has been enrolled in a doctoral course at the Robotics Center of Mines ParisTech, France, and has worked as a researcher at the French National Institute for Informatics and Automation (Inria) since 2007. Received PhD in 2011.
Has been a board member of the WIDE project and chair of the Software Defined Media (SDM) consortium since 2014. Has worked on autonomous network and Internet video and audio.
Has been serving as a board member of the WIDE Project since 2014. Research interests are mobility support for the next-generation Internet (IPv6), Internet audio-visual media, and communications for intelligent vehicles.
Related technology
Hiroshi Esaki
江崎 浩
Hiroshi Esaki, Ph.D
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo
Joined Toshiba Corporation in 1987, and engaged in research and development of system control technologies related to ATM technology, the next-generation broadband data communication technology, at the company's research laboratory.
After working as a visiting researcher at Bellcore, New Jersey, USA for two years from 1990, in 1998 he became a professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, the University of Tokyo.
Currently, MPLS JAPAN representative, IPv6 Forum IPv6 Ready Logo Program Committee chairman, IPv6 Dissemination and Advancement Promotion Council Executive Director, Okayama Prefecture IPv6 Consortium Chairman, JEITA Wireless LAN Technology Promotion Council Chairman, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology He has been a member of many committees such as
Appointed Chief Architect of Digital Agency in 2021
Naonori Kohira
小平 尚典
Photographer, Media producer
Born in 1954 in Fukuoka Japan. After graduating from Nihon University College of Art, Department of Photography.He moved to England from 1976, and made his debut as a social photographer.
He is a founding member of Shinchosha "FOCUS" and published a photo book "4/524" of Mt. Osutaka JAL crash. He moved to the west coast of the United States from 1987.
He covers the PC visionary that will lead the era of the long-impact IT revolution. He multipurposely examined the newly born innovations centered on Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and produced "Silicon Road" .
In 2021, all his photographic works were selected for the Stanford University Library. He currently lives in Tokyo. He is a member of the Japan Professional Photographers Society.
Tatsuma Hanayagi
花柳 達真
Choreographer, Japanese traditional dancer
Born in Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture.
First stage performance at the age of 6.
Studied under Jusuke Hanayagi (currently Juoh Hanayagi), the fourth Iemoto.
Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts.
Representative of "Geimaruza", formed by graduates of Japanese dance at Tokyo University of the Arts.
Exclusive teacher of Kamishichiken Kabukai in Kyoto.
Currently, he teaches disciples in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Miyazaki.
Received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award from the Japan Dance Association.
Appeared and choreographed on the stage of performances sponsored by the National Theater.
"The Kabuki"acting guidance.
Directed by Maurice Béjart. Tokyo Ballet (Performances in Paris Opera, La Scala in Milan, and other places around the world) -
"Himiko" choreographed and performed.
A performance sponsored by Suntory Hall directed by Fukusuke Nakamura. Tokyo, Hakata, Sapporo. (Cast: Kotaro Nakamura, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, etc.) -
Choreographed the ballet musical "Dramatic Kojiki". Tokyo, Kyoto, Hakata, Miyazaki.
(Cast: Kazuhiro Nishijima, Miki Maya Hideki Togi, Akira Takarada, etc.) -
Choreographed and performed in "Japanese dance and orchestra".
Performance sponsored by Tokyo Bunka Kaikan (cast: Tamasaburo Bando, Miyako Yoshida, Mansai Nomura, Yu Todoroki, etc.) -
"Kitano Odori" choreography.
Exclusive teacher of Kamishichiken Kabukai in Kyoto. (Kamishichiken geisha, choreography and instruction for maiko) -
Kabuki Choreography Assistant
Kabukiza, Minamiza, Shochikuza, Hakataza, etc. -
Takarazuka Revue Choreography Assistant
OSK Opera Choreography
Ken Matsudaira New Kabukiza Performance Choreography
Naomi Fujiyama Minamiza performance choreography
Mitsukoshi Meijinkai Choreography
Choreography for a new performance by the Japan Dance Association
※Please see Japanese page for further details