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Writer's pictureTakahide Nakajima

Filming of "[The LDP secret funds issue] Lets make this the starting point for creating a future society! "

Tuesday, February 6, 2024 

The filming of "[The LDP secret funds issue] Lets make this the starting point for creating a future society! " was created by Shin Open Lab. Based on Masahiko Fujiwara's book, 「国家の品格」( The Dignity of the State) the video sharply dives into the Liberal Democratic Party's secret funds issue with the theme of 'changing the quality of Japan's Members of Parliament, voters, and democracy.' It's said that a slight change in perspective can significantly alter society. The discussion covered what is necessary for legislators and experts to work together to build a better Japan."

This video is available on the YouTube channel とのの語り場 -convivial seventies- 【自民党裏金問題】を未来の社会づくりの出発点にしよう! ([The LDP secret funds issue] Lets make this the starting point for creating a future society! )


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