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  • Writer's pictureTakahide Nakajima

New Video: "Are the 🚕[elderly driving accidents] that we see in the news so often these days really that common?"

Monday, April 15, 2024 

"Are the 🚕[elderly driving accidents] that we see in the news so often these days really that common?" was filmed at Shin Open Lab. In Hideki Wada's book "70 is the fork in the road of aging," he writes that unlike the National Police Agency, elderly people are not required to return their driver's licenses, and furthermore, returning driver's licenses leads to blurring. Therefore, we examined the difference between the two based on specific data.

As a result, we did not derive the result that there are more traffic accidents caused by elderly people driving. The correctness of both claims was not proven. Furthermore, the data revealed the need for automated driving technology that allows even elderly people with age handicaps to drive safely. This is a good example of "FACT FULLNESS.

This video is available on the YouTube channel とのの語り場 -convivial seventies-  最近よくニュースで見る🚕【高齢者運転事故】は本当に多いのか? (Are the 🚕[elderly driving accidents] that we see in the news so often these days really that common?)

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