Friday, March 22, 2024
"Rapeseed flower blossoms loved by Sen no Rikyu: Going to Hamarikyu Gardens to feel the spring!" was created by Shin Open Lab. Walking through the Hama Rikyu Gardens, a villa of the Tokugawa Shogun's family, we will trace back the history of Hama Rikyu. The rapeseed flower blossoms that Sen no Rikyu loved bloomed in the garden, reminding us of his way of life. From the Rikyu's legacy, we talk about what we think about the current LDP slush fund issue from his graceful life.
This video is available on the YouTube channel とのの語り場 -convivial seventies- 千利休の愛した菜の花】春を感じに浜離宮恩賜庭園に行ってみた! (Rapeseed flower blossoms loved by Sen no Rikyu: Going to Hamarikyu Gardens to feel the spring!)