Friday, March 8, 2024 "Recommended! Teaching Noh wind instruments to beginners in an easy-to-understand way! 🔰 [Shinobue and Nohkan(Japanese flute) player Kimiho Mochizuki]" was created by Shin Open Lab. Shinobue and Noh flute player Kimiho Mochizuki is invited as a guest to introduce the charm and features of the "Japanese flute" in an easy-to-understand way for beginners with her performance. She talked about the difficulties he faced while learning to play the flute, as well as behind-the-scenes stories about how to perform in breathtaking harmony on stage without a conductor.
The "culture bearers" and "culture supporters" have reversed in age, with the young becoming the "bearers" and the old the "supporters," proposing a new form of "to-no-ryu oshikatsu (Tono's recommendation). This video is available on the YouTube channel とのの語り場 -convivial seventies-
とのの推し活!初心者にもわかりやすく能管楽器を教えます!🔰 【篠笛・能管奏者 望月輝美輔
( "Recommended! Teaching Noh wind instruments to beginners in an easy-to-understand way! 🔰 [Shinobue and Nohkan(Japanese flute) player Kimiho Mochizuki]")