The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun sponsored a round-table discussion titled "What can machine tool manufacturers do to achieve carbon neutrality?" . Takahide Nakajima, the organizer of Shin open Lab, participated as a moderator.
This discussion is published in The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun's 『金型・部品製造現場のためのカーボンニュートラルガイドブック[入門編]』 (型技術 2023年4月 臨時増刊号 )("Carbon Neutral Guidebook for Mold and Parts Manufacturing Sites [Introduction]" (Mold Technology April 2023 special issue)) .

(From left) Okuma Corporation Director and Managing Executive Officer Harumitsu Senda, DMG Mori Seiki Co., Ltd. Sustainability Promotion Department General Manager Hiroshi Yuki, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Industrial Mechatronics Division General Manager Masaru Tashiro, (front) Cimx Initiative Inc. CEO Takahide Nakajima (Photo provided by The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun)